Ursulinengasse 1
9020 Klagenfurt
Apostolate: Apostolate of prayer, Teaching Religion at our school (part-time), presence in Kindergarten, voluntary work at Caritas, welcoming university students, guests in convent and people in our Church, work in the house.
Schools (run by the “School association St. Ursula in Österreich”): Kindergarten, Volksschule, Neue Mittelschule, Hort.
Aignerstraße 135
5061 Salzburg
Apostolate: Apostolate of prayer, voluntary work in information centre of the diocese „Offener Himmel” (open heaven), voluntary work in an old age home and at Caritas, “telephone counselling”, welcoming university students, guests in convent and people in our Chapell, work in the house.
Schools (run by the “School association St. Ursula in Österreich”): Gymnasium and Oberstufenrealgymnasium “Art”.
Franz Asenbauer Gasse 51
1230 Wien
Apostolate: Apostolate of prayer. Full time work for our School Association (»Schulverein), help with the work for the treasurer, voluntary work in an old age home, “telephone counselling”, welcoming Sisters of other congregations, students and welcoming guests in convent, work in house.
Schools (run by the “School association St. Ursula in Österreich”): Volksschule, Neue Mittelschule, Gymnasium und Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Tagesheime für Nachmittagsbetreuung (“boarding school for the day“- Halbinternat).
Schools (run by the “School association St. Ursula in Österreich”)